23 Things I Learned at 23

Inspired by Nicole Krage's blog post on Thought Catalog, I "thought" that it would be cool to do my own take on this. The first few years of my 20s were pretty crazy and filled with poor life decisions, many insecurities, a few successes, a heck ton of challenges, and LOTS of growth. At one …


Congratulations Class of 2017, you made it! To all my friends who graduated/are graduating this year, I'm so proud of y'all. And to those who only have a term or two left to go, you guys got this and are almost there! I was wasting away after work the other day at Eaton's and decided …

mental break

Hah, it's been a while. I'm currently sitting at a table on the 8th floor of Ryerson University's SLC. I'm supposed to be "working remotely", but I'm currently in an EXTREME state of "I'm super unmotivated to be doing anything productive right now". I've been working on a few design projects, and my creativity has …